Another issue with the merging of our lives is not the number of computers he has or or the Xbox, but this innocuous golden orb:I refuse to turn the heat on before Thanksgiving and choose to wear a hat and hooded sweatshirt around the apartment. In fact I am just starting to insulate the windows in my apartment with plastic as my bathroom is getting chilly in the morning.
I try each year to see how long I can make it without turning on the heat and I do it for two reasons:
1) I don't want to pay the high gas prices
2) It is much more efficient to regulate your personal temperature rather than force your environment to appealing temperatures.
B on the other hand is a delicate flower who does not like the cold (welcome to Boston my friend). He and J turn on the heat way too early and often in my opinion but they don't ask for it.
The thing is, this problem also goes the other way. I hate air conditioning. Again, it costs more money and I feel bad about the damage it does to the environment. (Side note: I have had these viewpoints long before Al Gore and his Inconvenient Truths - I am just saying). In fact, this is only the second year in my adult life that I have had an air conditioner. A fan on high works well for me though sometimes I do lie there with a cold, damp washcloth on my head in order to fall asleep but I am tough. B claims he can't sleep in the heat.
I think this is a debate that cannot be settled just yet. And I am not sure what the compromise is.