Tuesday, December 11, 2007

An easy out...

After one of the more than I would like to know about story where a husband/boyfriend murdered his wife/girlfriend while she was pregnant, I had a discussion with B. During it I gave him an easy out. I told him that if he ever feels that he wants out of the marriage and responsibility of the kids and wants to kill, all he needs to do is leave me a note that basically states, "Liz, I can't do this. I was going to kill you but decided to just leave you and the kids." I figure it is a win-win, I don't have to die and he never has to deal with me or children again and does not have to go to jail.


Anonymous said...

Does the deal work BOTH ways...in case you feel like killing him...or doing any bodily harm?

Anonymous said...

hysterical. Charlie and I should have had this discussion. I'm off to bury his body.