Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Making Room again

So after surveying my apartment even further, I realize that it is going to take a major effort to organize and get rid of not only the clutter, but the junk. And it is going to be harder than I thought. I admit that I watch Clean House on Style and make fun of the people who can't let go shoes that they never wore and don't actually fit them. I can laugh at them no longer. As I look at the stack of VHS tapes in the living room, some with no labels, I realize that I am one of them. I can't let go of the tapes. Nevermind the fact that it is an outdated technology and I don't have a VCR (though B does so maybe I should hold on to them just in case we want to watch them). Also it seems like a waste to just throw out Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Green Gables the Sequel. The tapes are perfect and who will appreciate the story like I do.

Another area that I realize that is not going to be easy are closets. And it is not the emotional kind of tough but physically difficult. I realize that my closets are deep and tall. There is a lot of stuff crammed in these dark spaces. I may not be brave enough to go in and take prisoners.

However, I do realize that I have to do these things and not just in order to make room. I cannot keep accumulating stuff at this rate. I may suffocate myself or become the crazy lady down the street with years worth of newspapers and many, many cats.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You may wish to tie a rope around your waist before you go in the depth of your closet. Maybe take some snacks...just in case...oh and don't drink too much water beforehand. Can I have your Anne of Green Gables tapes if you never emerge from the closet?