Thursday, January 31, 2008

10 Steps to Becoming a Better...

I found this article about 10 Steps to Becoming a Better Wife on MSN and I was immediately annoyed but then I saw the link that directed you to the Husband version and I was back to normal. I was worried that these 10 steps would annoy but they seem kind of basic. For the complete articles click on the following links: "Wife"; "Husband".

The basic steps are:
Wife should...
1) Take care of yourself
2) Say thank you, often
3) Keep the romance alive
4) Let him have "guy time"
5) Make your husband a priority
6) Don't try to change him
7) Don’t make him guess—tell him what you want [I need to work on this one.]
8) Cultivate friends and interests outside your marriage
9) Let free time be free
10) Believe in your husband, and let him know it

Husband should...
1) Take an interest in something your wife is really passionate about
2) Put the kids to bed [Doesn't apply]
3) Learn to apologize
4) Thank her for putting up with you
5) Clean up after yourself
6) Make time for just the two of you
7) Groom yourself
8) Get away from the family
9) Deal with your side of the family
10) Don't lose your dating manners

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm confused. Why are this lists separated for husband and wife? Seems all rules should apply to both.

I especially like #8 on the husband list. "Get away from the family"

ummm . . .ok