Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The DJ and the Lesson I Learned

So I mentioned in my previous post how we divided up the to do list -right? Well my first lesson learned comes in choosing a DJ. B is in charge of the music and the DJ falls into his list of responsibility. He had emailed a few people that I had found on the Internet (before we made the list) and the DJ his sister used. He would tell me what was emailed back and I would reply to his informative email with 3-4 more questions about prcing, what he is asking/telling the potential vendors, also points to consider, etc. It was after doing this a few times that I realized I have to give up control. I didn't want to make all the decisions and B wants to help.

I had to let him choose the DJ just like he had let me choose other vendors. Because if I did this for every thing he is in charge of, he will either stop doing things or I will feel like I am doing it all. Neither is good for anybody's stress levels during wedding planning. And it is not like I have such discriminating tastes that he can't pick vendors up to snuff. And he wants a good DJ just as much as I do, at least I hope so. I sent him an email that just "Whatever you decide is fine" and left it at that.

In the end, he went with the DJ his sister used and the DJ takes direction very well and won't play the songs we don't want played. Also he is a known quantity. For all the weddings we have gone to, not many have been in New York. We didn't have a large list to pull from (among those we have already seen in action). And while most have showcases, we were not going to drive to New York to go to see various DJ's pretend to be at a wedding and excite the crowd. I just keep thinking of the movie "The Wedding Singer" when Jon Lovett performs for Drew Barrymore and she just watches him. It seems like a showcase would be awkward.

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