Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Paper Source Wedding Event

This weekend there is a Paper Source Wedding Event (thanks for the heads up Sarah!) and I was all set to go. But then B rented a van to move his larger items into my place (soon to be ours, but I am not there yet people) and while he said I could go, I wouldn't be able to have fun. Lucky for me, Wedding Bee posted a whole bunch of pictures from the same event in another city. So I read about it and then last night I went to PaperSource and touched some things and even bought some things. So the combination got me over not going.

I got the test paper for the invites and the response card. I just have to figure out what size I want the directions card and the reception card and then I can start printing. People have offered to help so you better watch out because I may be cashing in on those offers (Kim, Hillary, Alett - I am looking at you).

I also bought some pens for addressing save the dates and invitations. My save the dates are addressed already, B's are not. This will be a reoccuring theme I am sure.

1 comment:

Toffee said...

Alett, who?
(just kidding)