Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Moving on up...

As of right now, almost all of B's stuff is in my apartment (minus his bed, bookshelf, and dining room table but the table is not coming for awhile and the other stuff will be in my place on Saturday) and things are not as bad as we thought. Yes, things are all over the place but we are not drowning quite as much as we thought we would be. We also have discussed some furniture movings to make more room and better utilize the space and overall I am fine with the change.

We even folded the weeks (possibly months) worth of clean laundry that had accumulated and that has lessened some of B's stress.

The only problem is that I do not have a dresser yet for B's clothes. I found one on craigslist that I really liked but someone beat me out. There is a small chance that I could still get it but I am not holding my breath.

The good news is that B sold some of his things via craigslist and it gave me hope that people will buy the things I will be putting up for sale (coffee table, side table, full bed, old stereo). I hope I don't get caught up in all the money and sell more than I should. That is a distinct possibility. Once we are all settled I want a housecleaner to come in and wash the crap out of the apartment - like the window sills, corners, and all the other stuff I gloss over. We will see.

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