Sunday, June 29, 2008

Domestic fun

After traveling for week this week and last, I was excited to sleep in and hang around the 'hood. So B and I had a very nice weekend together and it included a lot of Mets games. Saturday I hoped to get up early but my body decided that after hellish travel, it just wanted to sleep. While I started the day off slowly, it was nice. B and I took a long walk to Union Square and visited the Farmer's Market. There we bought banana bread, Armenian cucumbers, snow peas, zucchini, hot dogs and ground beef. We are excited for the hot dogs and I hope they are akin to the dogs at Spike's. We love Spike's.

After we the Farmer's Market we walked a few blocks to the Community Growing Center to buy some starter plants. I had learned about this place on the Boston Localvores web site. B and I are trying to eat more local foods. We realized it is a lot easier than we thought especially with things like the Farmer's Market. I know it will be harder in the winter time when gardens and farms are closed for the winter.

At the Growing Center we purchased some plants and we are now the proud parents of two tomato (cherry and sungold) plants and a thai pepper plant. I have never had a garden before and am very excited. Especially because after the first night they have already started to blossom.

On Sunday, we went to Home Depot to finish getting all the supplies for the plants and a wedding project B is working on (more to come on that later). So I spent some time transferring the plants to new pots, staking them and figuring out the best spot in the yard for them. It was actually enjoyable but I am not going to call myself a gardener yet. Especially since I don't know if I would enjoy gardening with flowers. Flowers don't give you anything back like a tomato plant.
We will see how these plants go before we add to our garden next year.
Though I keep checking up on the plants and I don't know why. It is not like I will see them grow or they will tell me they need something.

Also, a lot of laundry was done and it was sorely needed. We also have gotten in the habit of drying most of our clothes on a clothesline but the work stuff gets put in the dryer. While I love the smell of the clothes dried outside, I like the fluffiness of the dryer.

Pictures of the plants and blossoms:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

prejudiced against flowers much? They give you FLOWERS! And some (marigolds) are completely edible. Ignorant fool.