Japan is so kooky. A company has instituted "heartache leave" that allows you to take up to three days off after a break up. They also give you paid time off to go shop the sales.
Read the article here.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Countdown update...
Only 200 days to go. After a lull for a few months, I think our wedding activities are going to pick up a bit much to B's chagrin. I looked at our calendar and come August, the wedding will really take over my life.
Shout out to BFD (Best Friend Debbie as B calls her) - happy birthday!
Shout out to BFD (Best Friend Debbie as B calls her) - happy birthday!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Wedding Night in Jail?
That is how this couple spent their wedding night - in the slammer. Click here for the article. The story basically is that they were drunk and arguing at the hotel, the groom got physcial and caused $1,000 worth of damage to the Holiday Inn, broke a guy's thumb and knocked out a tooth. Let's hope this doesn't happen in Brooklyn.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Cocktails, dinner, and dancing!
Reception cards on done and they are my best work ever! Seriously, I hope the actual invitations come out as nice. B was here to help me place the cards out for drying after I inked them. You can tell I had help since they were placed in order and not scattered like the response cards. But these cards are smaller and there are aout 15 less.
Here are the reception cards:
Birthday shoutouts to Jackie and Cake Baker Extraordinaire Kristin.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Respondez S'il Vous Plait
Here is POTFRK drinking his first of 1 million decaf coffees of the day.

After my first attempt at the invitations didn't go as planned. I went back to the drawing board and found a new design on istockphoto and redesigned the invites. So on Friday night, I sat with POTFRK to print the rsvp cards. I set every thing up and burned the screen. I started to ink the cards and POTFRK went to get us dinner at Anna's (BEST burritos ever - seriously even TLS in San Diego loves them and she is really close to the border so she knows good burritos). When POTFRK returned, I was inking my last card. Here is what my dining room looked like when B returned home from work about a minute after that.

Friday, April 25, 2008
Pictures forthcoming
RSVPs are done and pictures of the mess that is my dining room will be posted once I download them. It is not pretty but my RSVPs are.
Back to the drawing board
I got a semi-surprise visit from Prayer of the Faithful Reader Kevin (or POTFRK for short). He called on Tuesday to tell me he was thinking of coming to Boston later in the week. I got a call from him on Wednesday saying he was on his way up. Pretty typical POTFRK behavior.
So last night I pulled out the gocco machine to make the response cards. I figure May/June are the optimal months to make the invitations because of the low level of humidity. Anyway, we burned the master screen, inked up the master and printed. I HATED HOW IT LOOKED. B was telling me it was fine but then said "You don't like it. We can find a new one." I was so saddened. So today I have to find a new design that I like. Oh well.
So last night I pulled out the gocco machine to make the response cards. I figure May/June are the optimal months to make the invitations because of the low level of humidity. Anyway, we burned the master screen, inked up the master and printed. I HATED HOW IT LOOKED. B was telling me it was fine but then said "You don't like it. We can find a new one." I was so saddened. So today I have to find a new design that I like. Oh well.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
We had looked into a few tuxedo chains (needed for tux rental in Boston, Long Island and Brooklyn) for the guys and we thought we were going with Men's Wearhouse because they have a store in Medford (for B and John), Lake Grove (for Richie and Billy) and Brooklyn (for Gerard, Christopher and B's dad). But we definitely decided to go with them after we got a coupon for $20 off each tuxedo rental and free groom's rental.
What is also really great about Men's Wearhouse (or MW Tux - I think that is what they are calling the tuxedo aspect of the business) is that we can pick up the tuxedo in Boston and then return it in Brooklyn. So we don't have to worry about getting B's tux back to Boston. Also you can create a event and B can pick out everything here and then the other guys just have to go to their local store and give them the event name and everything will be lined up for them.
Easy as pie. I hope.
What is also really great about Men's Wearhouse (or MW Tux - I think that is what they are calling the tuxedo aspect of the business) is that we can pick up the tuxedo in Boston and then return it in Brooklyn. So we don't have to worry about getting B's tux back to Boston. Also you can create a event and B can pick out everything here and then the other guys just have to go to their local store and give them the event name and everything will be lined up for them.
Easy as pie. I hope.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Other words of advice
In our pre-cana folder, we had many other worksheets to read and think about after the weekend. One was rules for disagreements which made me think of this tv show I used to watch - TLC's "Shamlom in the Home. After going to pre-cana, I went and found the ideas that Rabbi Shmuley (the host of "Shalom in the Home") has for a good marriage and family. A lot of these resonate with me. Accordin to the Rabbi (who can be a bit harsh at times, I am not going to lie or sugar coat his ideas):
You can't be a good parent without being a good spouse.
There are two kinds of parental love: the love you give your kids, and the love you give your spouse.
Kids with loving spouses grow up believing in romantic love.
It's your kid's job to resist. It's your job to impose your will.
Good discipline is just another form of love.
Ten percent of life is what happens; the other 90 percent is what you do about it.
Many of us parent out of fear - fear of alienating our kids, fear of making the wrong choice - but fear never leads to the right destination. You cannot fix your children without also fixing yourself.
The greatest gift a man & a woman can give to their children is the gift of loving each other.
Shalom in the home, domestic tranquility, is the ultimate blessing. The man who has a woman who believes in him is impregnable and invincible. Nothing in life can hurt him because he has peace at this center.
Your marriage is not a facet of your life. It is your life. It is not a detail of your happiness, but its source and greatest blessing. Swallow your pride. Go back to the person to whom you once committed your life and exert the energy to make the marriage work again. By doing so you will have the satisfaction of knowing, not only that you never stopped climbing – that you never quit – but rather that you never climbed alone.
There is enough uncontrollable pain in life without us unnecessarily adding self-inflicted wounds.
The hero is not the man who conquers the world, but who conquers his own passions.
We dare never parent out of fear. Fear is a hysterical reaction to an imagined threat, while caution is a calculated response to a real danger.
We must raise our children to fear none but God alone.
A parent’s bedroom is not a family sitting room or family dormitory. Children should never sleep in their parents’ bedroom. If you need to hire a security guard to make your bedroom into Fort Knox, that is still better than allowing your role as parent to conflict with your role as lover to your spouse.
The rule of relationships is this: We all want to be wanted, need to be needed, desire to be desired. Demonstrating a dependency on the object of your love is the golden rule of relationships.
Man is a force of nature, like a hurricane, whose turbulence is on the extremities but has utter calm at its center. We are powerful when we have shalom, tranquility, in the home, when the place to which we retreat is tranquil. Then, none of the external noise pierces our soul. For many families today, however, they have tumultuous winds in the home, forcing them to flee to mind-numbing escapes on the extremities, outside the home.
It’s not true that a couple’s sex life need end with the advent of children. On the contrary, what is lovemaking other than a man and woman at play, flirtatious and precocious. And the natural playfulness that children inject into the lives of their parents can help them to draw closer.
The greatest gift that a man can give his children is to love their mother. Conversely, the greatest gift that a mother can give her children is to love their father.
By being happily married we gift to our children the knowledge that love works, that the world is comprised of pieces of a puzzle that ultimately fit.
The man who cheats on his wife thinks of himself as an adventurer, when really he is a wanderer.
We dare not make money into a commodity by which to purchase self-esteem.
The foremost sin in a marriage is to put someone (even your child) before each other.
The real purpose of counseling a family is not to point out right and wrong, but to inspire them to choose the right and reject the wrong.
The Garden of Eden was not a place in space, but a place in time. It represents our childhood years, when everything is magical and perfect. Eviction from Eden represents growing up, the natural tendency to be bitten by the hardships and disappointments of life, to calcify and coarsen. The restoration to Eden takes place when we have children, who reintroduce all the lost Eden-like qualities of childhood into our lives.
Parents today are guilty of believing that they can have healthy children without having a healthy family environment.
Most of us promise ourselves that we will never make the same mistakes as our parents, yet we grow up and almost by osmosis, we start becoming them. We end up transmitting to our children the same imperfections that our parents transmitted to us. It’s a never-ending cycle. And there comes a time in the generational life of a family that one generation has to say, "Enough, I will be healed so that my children will heal." Let that generation be us.
You cannot have healthy children without having a healthy family environment.
There are no bad children. Only bad parents. When our kids act up, it’s time to look in the mirror.
Parents need their children far more than children need their parents.
You are not a hero to the world unless you are first and foremost a hero to your children.
Have you really been successful if the people who mean the most to you, think the least of you?
You can't be a good parent without being a good spouse.
There are two kinds of parental love: the love you give your kids, and the love you give your spouse.
Kids with loving spouses grow up believing in romantic love.
It's your kid's job to resist. It's your job to impose your will.
Good discipline is just another form of love.
Ten percent of life is what happens; the other 90 percent is what you do about it.
Many of us parent out of fear - fear of alienating our kids, fear of making the wrong choice - but fear never leads to the right destination. You cannot fix your children without also fixing yourself.
The greatest gift a man & a woman can give to their children is the gift of loving each other.
Shalom in the home, domestic tranquility, is the ultimate blessing. The man who has a woman who believes in him is impregnable and invincible. Nothing in life can hurt him because he has peace at this center.
Your marriage is not a facet of your life. It is your life. It is not a detail of your happiness, but its source and greatest blessing. Swallow your pride. Go back to the person to whom you once committed your life and exert the energy to make the marriage work again. By doing so you will have the satisfaction of knowing, not only that you never stopped climbing – that you never quit – but rather that you never climbed alone.
There is enough uncontrollable pain in life without us unnecessarily adding self-inflicted wounds.
The hero is not the man who conquers the world, but who conquers his own passions.
We dare never parent out of fear. Fear is a hysterical reaction to an imagined threat, while caution is a calculated response to a real danger.
We must raise our children to fear none but God alone.
A parent’s bedroom is not a family sitting room or family dormitory. Children should never sleep in their parents’ bedroom. If you need to hire a security guard to make your bedroom into Fort Knox, that is still better than allowing your role as parent to conflict with your role as lover to your spouse.
The rule of relationships is this: We all want to be wanted, need to be needed, desire to be desired. Demonstrating a dependency on the object of your love is the golden rule of relationships.
Man is a force of nature, like a hurricane, whose turbulence is on the extremities but has utter calm at its center. We are powerful when we have shalom, tranquility, in the home, when the place to which we retreat is tranquil. Then, none of the external noise pierces our soul. For many families today, however, they have tumultuous winds in the home, forcing them to flee to mind-numbing escapes on the extremities, outside the home.
It’s not true that a couple’s sex life need end with the advent of children. On the contrary, what is lovemaking other than a man and woman at play, flirtatious and precocious. And the natural playfulness that children inject into the lives of their parents can help them to draw closer.
The greatest gift that a man can give his children is to love their mother. Conversely, the greatest gift that a mother can give her children is to love their father.
By being happily married we gift to our children the knowledge that love works, that the world is comprised of pieces of a puzzle that ultimately fit.
The man who cheats on his wife thinks of himself as an adventurer, when really he is a wanderer.
We dare not make money into a commodity by which to purchase self-esteem.
The foremost sin in a marriage is to put someone (even your child) before each other.
The real purpose of counseling a family is not to point out right and wrong, but to inspire them to choose the right and reject the wrong.
The Garden of Eden was not a place in space, but a place in time. It represents our childhood years, when everything is magical and perfect. Eviction from Eden represents growing up, the natural tendency to be bitten by the hardships and disappointments of life, to calcify and coarsen. The restoration to Eden takes place when we have children, who reintroduce all the lost Eden-like qualities of childhood into our lives.
Parents today are guilty of believing that they can have healthy children without having a healthy family environment.
Most of us promise ourselves that we will never make the same mistakes as our parents, yet we grow up and almost by osmosis, we start becoming them. We end up transmitting to our children the same imperfections that our parents transmitted to us. It’s a never-ending cycle. And there comes a time in the generational life of a family that one generation has to say, "Enough, I will be healed so that my children will heal." Let that generation be us.
You cannot have healthy children without having a healthy family environment.
There are no bad children. Only bad parents. When our kids act up, it’s time to look in the mirror.
Parents need their children far more than children need their parents.
You are not a hero to the world unless you are first and foremost a hero to your children.
Have you really been successful if the people who mean the most to you, think the least of you?
Pre-Cana Rocks!
I know this is overdue but I was hanging out with my new BFF Haley this weekend. We are best friends 4-EVA. She gave me a high five on it.

I seriously loved pre-cana and I think it is something everyone (even non-Catholics) should do. During the breakfast B ran into Anne and Patrick Whom I have met a few times and then other people he went to BC with - at this point I thought the day would turn into I have BC day but it didn't.
We sat at tables of 4 engaged couples and one married couple. Bonnie and Jim were the married couple (41 years this May) and they are ROCK STARS. I want them to adopt me. And the structure was a married couple gives a talk on a topic, the table discusses it for a few minutes, and then each couple goes off. We first filled out a worksheet individually and then together we discussed our answers. It was great to discuss things in a neutral setting and because we had to, not because we had a fight or something else emotionally charged.
Here is where we sat and our view when we did our couple discussion exercises.
Our topics were:
Values and our Marriage
Financial Partnership
Love and Sexuality within Marriage
Spirituality and Marriage
Planning your Wedding Liturgy
Mass (it was Sunday after all)
Happy Patriot's Day
I am off from work today. Yay!
Patriot's Day is supposed to be about the win in the Battles of Lexington and Concord nbut it really is all about the marathon these days.
Patriot's Day is supposed to be about the win in the Battles of Lexington and Concord nbut it really is all about the marathon these days.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Ring One is here
My ring arrived safely yesterday as the Internet told me. Blue Nile sends the items in a very plain box and doesn't use their name on the outside which was comforting.
I of course tried the ring on and it looks good. However, it is weird to wear two rings at once (band and engagement) and that will take some getting used to but I am sure I will get over it.
Also the ring box that the Blue Nile uses is REALLY nice. It has good weight to it and is solid. It was the first thing I commented on (to myself since I was home alone but you know you do it too so don't judge).
I of course tried the ring on and it looks good. However, it is weird to wear two rings at once (band and engagement) and that will take some getting used to but I am sure I will get over it.
Also the ring box that the Blue Nile uses is REALLY nice. It has good weight to it and is solid. It was the first thing I commented on (to myself since I was home alone but you know you do it too so don't judge).
Survey Says...
I received an email about a poll that the Knot did recently on the cost of weddings. And being that I work in market research (albeit for a tech company but still) I was interested. The press release can be read below.
The Knot Inc. (NASDAQ: KNOT), the owners of The Knot Wedding Network (which includes the Internet’s most-trafficked wedding websites and communities TheKnot.com and WeddingChannel.com,) conducted a massive survey in 2007 to capture detailed feedback on wedding spending, style preferences, event characteristics, and other key information related to the bridal demographic.
The survey, administered by Harris Interactive, is the second annual Real Weddings Survey conducted by The Knot Inc. It polled nearly 22,000 individuals—of mixed ethnicities, income, and education levels—across 50 US states, making it the largest survey of its kind ever.
$27,882 is the average wedding budget in the US (not including the honeymoon). Including the honeymoon, the average wedding budget in the US is $32,660.
The bulk of the average wedding budget is dedicated to the reception venue ($12,722, or 45%); followed by the reception band ($4,105 on average, or 15%); and photographer ($2,651 on average, or 9.5% of the total average wedding budget).
In 2007 vs. 2006, couples spent 35% more on their wedding cake (average $692 vs. $514), 17% more on their reception venue (average $12,722 vs. $10,857), and 18% more on their reception band ($4,105 vs. $3,465).
The bride’s parents (44%) and the bride and groom (43%) are paying for the majority of weddings.
The average cost of a wedding gown is $1,317 (NYC brides spent the most at $2,206).
The average cost of a wedding photographer is $2,651 (Long Island brides spend the most on photography at $4,550).
The average wedding guest list is 153 people, nearly the same as 2006. (Wisconsin brides have the largest weddings, averaging 189 invitees).
Brides are not prolonging their engagements; the average wedding-planning period is 11 months. New York brides are engaged the longest (13.1 months), while Las Vegas brides have the shortest engagements (9.1 months).
Weddings are getting less formal: Weddings are split in terms of formality: 66% were characterized as “semi-formal” as compared to 45% in 2006 and 20% are characterized as “formal/black tie, down from 42% in 2006.”
The average bridal party in 2007 was comprised of 4 bridesmaids and 4 groomsmen.
The groom is significantly involved in planning: 36% of grooms were ‘very involved’ and 57% of grooms were ‘somewhat involved’
Reception venues of choice in 2007 were reception halls (29%), hotel (19%), club (yacht, country, etc.) (16%), restaurants (9%), historic mansions (7%), with the remaining 20% going to parks and gardens, museums and cultural centers, private homes, loft and raw spaces, and other reception venues.
The most important reception venue features were: a great space for dancing (81%), a picturesque backdrop for photos (65%), an outdoor area for cocktails (52%), a breathtaking view (39%), and a waterside location (25%).
Destination weddings are more popular: With a destination wedding characterized as “200 or more miles away from where the bride and groom live (including non US locations)” and “at least 80% of guests requiring overnight accommodations” approximately 1 in 10 couples have a destination wedding (8-10%).
Approximately 25% of destination weddings occur outside the US.
20% of couples are traveling at least 200 miles from where they reside to get married.
Couples spent 8% more on their photographers in 2007 vs. 2006 ($2,651 vs. $2,466).
A mix of traditional and photojournalistic photography is what most (71%) couples desire, while 18% chose to place emphasis on candid photos.
There was a 61% increase in use of digital-only photography at weddings.
Top reception band and music style choices in 2007 were rock-and-roll/Motown (37%) and big band/swing/jazz (21%).
It is interesting to see where I am more or less than the average. Also, interesting that they pull out NYC at times.
The Knot Inc. (NASDAQ: KNOT), the owners of The Knot Wedding Network (which includes the Internet’s most-trafficked wedding websites and communities TheKnot.com and WeddingChannel.com,) conducted a massive survey in 2007 to capture detailed feedback on wedding spending, style preferences, event characteristics, and other key information related to the bridal demographic.
The survey, administered by Harris Interactive, is the second annual Real Weddings Survey conducted by The Knot Inc. It polled nearly 22,000 individuals—of mixed ethnicities, income, and education levels—across 50 US states, making it the largest survey of its kind ever.
$27,882 is the average wedding budget in the US (not including the honeymoon). Including the honeymoon, the average wedding budget in the US is $32,660.
The bulk of the average wedding budget is dedicated to the reception venue ($12,722, or 45%); followed by the reception band ($4,105 on average, or 15%); and photographer ($2,651 on average, or 9.5% of the total average wedding budget).
In 2007 vs. 2006, couples spent 35% more on their wedding cake (average $692 vs. $514), 17% more on their reception venue (average $12,722 vs. $10,857), and 18% more on their reception band ($4,105 vs. $3,465).
The bride’s parents (44%) and the bride and groom (43%) are paying for the majority of weddings.
The average cost of a wedding gown is $1,317 (NYC brides spent the most at $2,206).
The average cost of a wedding photographer is $2,651 (Long Island brides spend the most on photography at $4,550).
The average wedding guest list is 153 people, nearly the same as 2006. (Wisconsin brides have the largest weddings, averaging 189 invitees).
Brides are not prolonging their engagements; the average wedding-planning period is 11 months. New York brides are engaged the longest (13.1 months), while Las Vegas brides have the shortest engagements (9.1 months).
Weddings are getting less formal: Weddings are split in terms of formality: 66% were characterized as “semi-formal” as compared to 45% in 2006 and 20% are characterized as “formal/black tie, down from 42% in 2006.”
The average bridal party in 2007 was comprised of 4 bridesmaids and 4 groomsmen.
The groom is significantly involved in planning: 36% of grooms were ‘very involved’ and 57% of grooms were ‘somewhat involved’
Reception venues of choice in 2007 were reception halls (29%), hotel (19%), club (yacht, country, etc.) (16%), restaurants (9%), historic mansions (7%), with the remaining 20% going to parks and gardens, museums and cultural centers, private homes, loft and raw spaces, and other reception venues.
The most important reception venue features were: a great space for dancing (81%), a picturesque backdrop for photos (65%), an outdoor area for cocktails (52%), a breathtaking view (39%), and a waterside location (25%).
Destination weddings are more popular: With a destination wedding characterized as “200 or more miles away from where the bride and groom live (including non US locations)” and “at least 80% of guests requiring overnight accommodations” approximately 1 in 10 couples have a destination wedding (8-10%).
Approximately 25% of destination weddings occur outside the US.
20% of couples are traveling at least 200 miles from where they reside to get married.
Couples spent 8% more on their photographers in 2007 vs. 2006 ($2,651 vs. $2,466).
A mix of traditional and photojournalistic photography is what most (71%) couples desire, while 18% chose to place emphasis on candid photos.
There was a 61% increase in use of digital-only photography at weddings.
Top reception band and music style choices in 2007 were rock-and-roll/Motown (37%) and big band/swing/jazz (21%).
It is interesting to see where I am more or less than the average. Also, interesting that they pull out NYC at times.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I wish two of the following three people a happy belated birthday
Can you guess which two of the three people I wish a happy belated birthday to?
Groomsman John
Bill Belichick
Pope Benedict
Which of these ones is not like the other?
Groomsman John
Bill Belichick
Pope Benedict
Which of these ones is not like the other?
The eagle has landed
Rather my ring has arrived. According to the order tracker:
Apr 17, 2008
1:39 PM
Medford, MA
Left at front door. Package delivered to recipient address - release authorized
I want to go home right now!
Apr 17, 2008
1:39 PM
Medford, MA
Left at front door. Package delivered to recipient address - release authorized
I want to go home right now!
America's Most Sinful Cities
Forbes.com had a very interesting interactive map that highlights the most sinful cities in terms of the seven deadly sins (greed, gluttony, wrath, jealousy, lust, sloth, pride).
Click here for the article.
Click here for the article.
Out for delivery...
The ring is in Medford and out for delivery. Hopefully the truck does not stop at Sound Bites before it gets to my house. I hate Sound Bites - the food is not that great, the lines are long, the people rude, and they are trying to buy up Ball Square. If you stay with me, you are not allowed to go there but you can go to True Grounds or The Broken Yolk.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tracking shipments
I love to track shipments and follow it across the country. Right now one ring left Seattle, WA at 6:25 PM April 15, 2008. It is due at my doorstep sometime tomorrow.
Mypublisher coupon code
Anyone interested in making a photobook on mypublisher can use this coupon code to get a free book: WEDDING241. Unfortunately it is a buy one book, get another copy free - not a true free book. Oh well. But it does come in handy if you are making wedding photobooks for various family members.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Two ring bride
Much to my dismay (though I am sure I will get over it quickly) I am a two ring bride - one fancy and one plain. I feel little bad but then I figure at least I am not a two dress bride. The dress will only be worn for hours while the rings will be worn for days, months, even years. So if you dollar cost average it, two rings is a much more economical deal than two dresses.
Here is a picture of the plain ring (obviously):
All rings have been ordered. And B wants to have them engraved so we have to think of something for that. Every decision leads to another question...
Monday, April 14, 2008
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday to Haley Anne. And congratulations to Bridesmaid Ellen and Andrew on the birth of their first child earlier this morning. I was hoping for a puppy but I guess this will do.
This is the first niece/nephew that will know us as Aunt E and Uncle B unlike the others which are Aunt E and B or Uncle B and E.
I still want the puppy though.
This is the first niece/nephew that will know us as Aunt E and Uncle B unlike the others which are Aunt E and B or Uncle B and E.
I still want the puppy though.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Third time is a charm...
Well going to watch the game at BSG didn't work (2006) and watching it with my brother Richie didn't work (2007) but watching it at home did (2008). BC beat ND last night to become the 2008 Men's Hockey National Champions.

I will be the first one to say that I thought they looked like crap the first half of the season and that John Muse was horrible (I was a BIG Schneider fan). But I was wrong.

Saturday, April 12, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
Songs that are not our first dance songs...
So I have been thinking a lot about first dance songs lately. And I don't know why since we have had ours picked out since we got engaged (if you want to know what it is, you have to show up to the reception around 6ish and you will hear it). But I always liked two songs by Beth Nielsen Chapman (thanks Kath for giving me the name when I couldn't remember)- "All I have" and "I Keep Coming Back to You".
For any Days of Our Lives fans, "All I Have" is Jack and Jennifer's song and a reason why it couldn't be our first dance song. I mean, look at all that has happened to them - I don't want a repeat of that.
You can say you love me
And I'll believe that's true
Trusting you is easy
'Cause I believe in you
There is nothing I would miss
As long as we're in love like this
All I have is all I need
And it all comes down to you and me
How far away this world becomes
In the harbor of each others arms
I feel like I've known you forever and ever
Baby that's how close we are
Right here with you is where my life has come together
And where love has filled my heart
You know I'd go anywhere
As long as I have you to care
Ooh-and with the love you bring
I never want for anything
I found what I've been searching for in you
"I Keep Coming Back to You" may be too realistic for a wedding song. But that is what I like about it - no fluff, no fantasy, no "You complete me" crap (I am sure I will post more on my feelings on that subject at a later date". It is like "hey life is hard but at the end of the day, you are who I want to be with".
Seems like after all we've been through
We would have learned by now
Never to fight for gets the last word
It doesn't matter anyhow
But 'round and 'round we go in circles
Trying to work things through
And sometimes it feels like miles between us
But I keep coming back to you
And it's rough
And it's tough
And it's harder than anything I've ever tried to do
But I love you so much that in spite of the struggle
I keep coming back to you
Hold me now, just think about this room
That we have shared so long
We've studied that map of cracks on the ceiling
Talking till the break of dawn
There is something strong as history
Telling me this love is true
They say "Follow your heart and you'll be happy"
So I keep coming back to you
For any Days of Our Lives fans, "All I Have" is Jack and Jennifer's song and a reason why it couldn't be our first dance song. I mean, look at all that has happened to them - I don't want a repeat of that.
You can say you love me
And I'll believe that's true
Trusting you is easy
'Cause I believe in you
There is nothing I would miss
As long as we're in love like this
All I have is all I need
And it all comes down to you and me
How far away this world becomes
In the harbor of each others arms
I feel like I've known you forever and ever
Baby that's how close we are
Right here with you is where my life has come together
And where love has filled my heart
You know I'd go anywhere
As long as I have you to care
Ooh-and with the love you bring
I never want for anything
I found what I've been searching for in you
"I Keep Coming Back to You" may be too realistic for a wedding song. But that is what I like about it - no fluff, no fantasy, no "You complete me" crap (I am sure I will post more on my feelings on that subject at a later date". It is like "hey life is hard but at the end of the day, you are who I want to be with".
Seems like after all we've been through
We would have learned by now
Never to fight for gets the last word
It doesn't matter anyhow
But 'round and 'round we go in circles
Trying to work things through
And sometimes it feels like miles between us
But I keep coming back to you
And it's rough
And it's tough
And it's harder than anything I've ever tried to do
But I love you so much that in spite of the struggle
I keep coming back to you
Hold me now, just think about this room
That we have shared so long
We've studied that map of cracks on the ceiling
Talking till the break of dawn
There is something strong as history
Telling me this love is true
They say "Follow your heart and you'll be happy"
So I keep coming back to you
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Just enough time...
There is just enough time to go to pre-cana, have it run late, go grocery shopping and watch the NCAA men's hockey final on Saturday. BC won tonight 6-1 meaning that this will be their third consecutive trip to the finals. Let's hope this one is a win.
I love South Park...
Remember my comments about a certain Boston-area coach I made here? Well South Park has joined my band wagon and a few months too late imho.
Here are three hilarious clips but the best is the last one...
“Just before the last Super Bowl, Bill Belichick gathered his football players and said let’s win this one for real… Just this one time.. Let’s not cheat. You know what happened? They lost. Even if you feel all eyes are on you, you can't give up on cheating!” -- 4.9.08, Cartman, South Park
And the New York Football Giants won...
Here are three hilarious clips but the best is the last one...
“Just before the last Super Bowl, Bill Belichick gathered his football players and said let’s win this one for real… Just this one time.. Let’s not cheat. You know what happened? They lost. Even if you feel all eyes are on you, you can't give up on cheating!” -- 4.9.08, Cartman, South Park
And the New York Football Giants won...
Things my grandmother told me
Years ago my grandma gave me some insights about marriage. Let me preface them by saying I wasn't asking, she was just telling, and I have no idea how the conversation started (I think it may have been a discussion on gay marriage).
Grandma: "Marriage is really hard."
Later in the conversation....
Grandma: "It is tough growing old by yourself."
She also asked me to marry someone she understands and gets. And I like to think that NYC-bred B from a democratic, pro-union family is someone she gets and understands.
Grandma: "Marriage is really hard."
Later in the conversation....
Grandma: "It is tough growing old by yourself."
She also asked me to marry someone she understands and gets. And I like to think that NYC-bred B from a democratic, pro-union family is someone she gets and understands.
Save the Dates traveling the nation
So we have confirmation of save the date sightings in New York (Queens and Long Island) and we noticed some increase in traffic to our wedding website. Yay! But no new song requests or new messages. Boo!
Though I don't have a site meter on that site so I can't tell what is me visiting the site and what is actually traffic from guests.
Though I don't have a site meter on that site so I can't tell what is me visiting the site and what is actually traffic from guests.
Wedding albums
One of the things we have considered doing, mainly because it will save money nd also because I like to do it, is create the wedding albums. Our photographer is giving us the files and I can do what I want with them. I have made a few photobooks using mypublisher.com and have liked the results (though I do want to get better versed in editing and manipulating the photos). But now there are a lot of photobook sites out there and I didn't want to start trying a new one with the wedding photos. But then yesterday, someone on the Weddingbee boards posted this very question and one reader is my new best friend. Her response outlined all of them and her experience with them.
In trying to find the perfect book...
ofoto.com/kodakgallery.com - not bad - usually have coupons floating around - at least you have everything printed on kodak paper. On a scale of 1-5, I give it a 3
shutterfly.com - probably the least favorite of them - majority of my pictures came out blurry, but they keep on sending me coupons for free books where I just pay for shipping (go to theknot.com or thenest.com for these free book coupons) I give this one a 2.5
mypublisher.com - so far, one of my favorites - they have a coupon where if you buy one book, you get the second one for free and the quality is pretty good. So far, I like their hardcover books best from here. I give this one a 4
snapfish.com - I use this all the time to create random picture books of vacations for my friends and me, quality is pretty decent and I like being able to pick from their fun themes. Price is pretty good and you can find some good discounts online. I give this one a 3.5
Qoop.com - this one works with flickr so it was perfect getting an album set from them. Be careful though - their photo albums come in packs so you can't just order one, you may end up with a 4-pack, 3-pack or 2-pack. Quality is pretty good, decent.
I'm still working on wedding photo books from blurb.com and mpix.com so I'll give an update on that when I can. posted by ladysu
just an update - I really enjoyed working with blurb.com in creating my wedding planning book (from my blog) and then, working with mpix.com which is now my new favorite photo book for our honeymoon photo album. I give blurb.com a 4 and I give mpix.com a 4.25 :) posted by ladysu
In trying to find the perfect book...
ofoto.com/kodakgallery.com - not bad - usually have coupons floating around - at least you have everything printed on kodak paper. On a scale of 1-5, I give it a 3
shutterfly.com - probably the least favorite of them - majority of my pictures came out blurry, but they keep on sending me coupons for free books where I just pay for shipping (go to theknot.com or thenest.com for these free book coupons) I give this one a 2.5
mypublisher.com - so far, one of my favorites - they have a coupon where if you buy one book, you get the second one for free and the quality is pretty good. So far, I like their hardcover books best from here. I give this one a 4
snapfish.com - I use this all the time to create random picture books of vacations for my friends and me, quality is pretty decent and I like being able to pick from their fun themes. Price is pretty good and you can find some good discounts online. I give this one a 3.5
Qoop.com - this one works with flickr so it was perfect getting an album set from them. Be careful though - their photo albums come in packs so you can't just order one, you may end up with a 4-pack, 3-pack or 2-pack. Quality is pretty good, decent.
I'm still working on wedding photo books from blurb.com and mpix.com so I'll give an update on that when I can. posted by ladysu
just an update - I really enjoyed working with blurb.com in creating my wedding planning book (from my blog) and then, working with mpix.com which is now my new favorite photo book for our honeymoon photo album. I give blurb.com a 4 and I give mpix.com a 4.25 :) posted by ladysu
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Sunrise, sunset, sunrise, sunset
I saw a post about this cool website that lets you know when twilight is for most US cities - Click here for the monthly sunrise sunset times.
Here are all the times for the wedding date:
Twi: 6:13am
Sunrise: 6:43am
Sunset: 4:38pm
Twi: 5:07pm
Moonrise: 6:42pm
Moonset: 9:43am
So I hope to have many of the pictures done by 4:38.
Here are all the times for the wedding date:
Twi: 6:13am
Sunrise: 6:43am
Sunset: 4:38pm
Twi: 5:07pm
Moonrise: 6:42pm
Moonset: 9:43am
So I hope to have many of the pictures done by 4:38.
Message board down
And to top it all off, one of the message boards I frequent has been done for two days.
More on save the dates
So the first ones hit Boston yesterday. We will see how they spread across the country over the next few days.
Boy my life is exciting.
Boy my life is exciting.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
It was after last year's loss in the finals that B asked Richie and Billy for the okay to propose. Richie felt so bad for B that we went out to a bar and while I was in the bathroom, B did his asking. Though I go to the bathroom very quickly so I cut the conversation short unbeknownst to me.
Another way to tie the hockey back to the wedding.
Another way to tie the hockey back to the wedding.
And my mind is not in that bad of a place
In my original post about pre-cana I mentioned that I may be in a "I hate BC and everything about the school and I hope they lose in whatever sport they are playing" mind frame but luckily I am not. At least as of right now. And this is good because then I won't go in with a mentality of I am going to pick the opposite of whatever B says and just annoy the crap out of him (which happens when I am in that "I hate BC and everything about the school and I hope they lose in whatever sport they are playing". Part of the reason (in my humble opinion) is that we did not go to as many hockey and basketball games as in the past and there was no appearance by men's basketball in either the NCAAs or NIT (it is an off year to say the least). Also, the hockey team is headed to Denver for the Frozen Four (I love hockey, especially hockey, by the way and we attended a TON of hockey games when we first dated which I think helped us. I also want my son - not yet born, conceived, or in the works at all - to play hockey at BC because I really like the coach and the program. He doesn't let them curse and when they lost at the championship in 2006, they skated off the ice because they were upset. He then followed them into the tunnel and made them all get back on the ice to watch the other team celebrate, then shake their hands and finally to salute their fans. Classy - unlike some other Boston area coaches or coach rather. I love Jerry York. Especially when he talks because he has a THICK Boston accent when he talks that you don't expect. He also has that well-scrubbed face look that I love.) Anyway I really digressed there.
So the whole point of this post is to say I am not in the negative mindset and in fact I am hoping the BC Eagles win (they have lost in the championship game twice in the past two years).
Here is the goal that got them to the Frozen Four:
Also, here is a penalty shot by the Hobey Baker Hat Trick Finalist Nathan Gerbe. There is no sound but it is a great goal.
So the whole point of this post is to say I am not in the negative mindset and in fact I am hoping the BC Eagles win (they have lost in the championship game twice in the past two years).
Here is the goal that got them to the Frozen Four:
Also, here is a penalty shot by the Hobey Baker Hat Trick Finalist Nathan Gerbe. There is no sound but it is a great goal.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Bring an open mind
We have Pre-Cana this weekend at BC. And while it seems like we made the arrangements months ago, it is here. I was fretting about what I had to bring but I guess it is minimal as the letter said all we need to bring is an open mind. We also need to dress "business casual". Funny - I wasn't concerned about a dress code but now I am.
We get lunch on Saturday (only a snack on Sunday. Well a snack and the eucharist but I wouldn't count the eucharist as a snack or anything really. It is what it is - the eucharist). I wonder what they will serve us and I wonder who the couples that talk to us will be. I tried googling some of the other people who will be attending with us and I only found one of the guys (a lawyer, older) before giving up. I guess I will just have to see who they are when we get there (no fun but whatever).
We get lunch on Saturday (only a snack on Sunday. Well a snack and the eucharist but I wouldn't count the eucharist as a snack or anything really. It is what it is - the eucharist). I wonder what they will serve us and I wonder who the couples that talk to us will be. I tried googling some of the other people who will be attending with us and I only found one of the guys (a lawyer, older) before giving up. I guess I will just have to see who they are when we get there (no fun but whatever).
Save the dates: the final voyage
So the save the dates have been picked up by the USPS by now. They are no longer in their big blue metal box and are on their way to whereever the address takes them. I wonder how long it will take for them to make it into the appropriate mailboxes? I hope none of them get lost.
FYI - All of my bosses are at a conference until Thursday.
FYI - All of my bosses are at a conference until Thursday.
Registry Stalking
I do it but not in the way you are thinking. I stalk other people's registries to see if they found some hidden gem of the store that I should register for. Or what if I am forgetting about a key item that will complete my kitchen?
I also look at the other people with my name and see what they registered for and let me say - names mean nothing. There is a wide spread of choices when looking at all the other brides to be that share my name.
I also look at the other people with my name and see what they registered for and let me say - names mean nothing. There is a wide spread of choices when looking at all the other brides to be that share my name.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Save the dates are out!
They are gone. They are out of my apartment and no longer sitting in my living room haunting me. I was so excited to get them out of the house yesterday thatI brought them to the post office, after it had closed and put them in the blue box outside the building. So they will begin their long journey to everyone's home early on Monday morning.
Because I am OCD at times, I put all the nvites in zip code order and then counted them by state. Here is the tally:
8 - MA
1 - CT
35 - NY
12 - NJ
3 - CA
3 - GA
1 - TN
2 - PA
2 - VA
1 - FL
1 - IA
1 - MO
1 - CO
1- OR
NY breaks down further to:
6 - Manhattan
5 - Queens
1 - Staten Island
7 - Brooklyn
14 - Long Island
2 - Upstate
Because I am OCD at times, I put all the nvites in zip code order and then counted them by state. Here is the tally:
8 - MA
1 - CT
35 - NY
12 - NJ
3 - CA
3 - GA
1 - TN
2 - PA
2 - VA
1 - FL
1 - IA
1 - MO
1 - CO
1- OR
NY breaks down further to:
6 - Manhattan
5 - Queens
1 - Staten Island
7 - Brooklyn
14 - Long Island
2 - Upstate
Friday, April 4, 2008
Dresses are in!
Yesterday there was a package waiting for me on my doorstep and it was the bridesmaid dresses from RK Bridal. They arrived about 6 weeks early! So now my wedding dress has some company in the closet though it won't last for long.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
B's Birthday Gift
Continuing in the theme of "I am the best fiancee" I present you with B's birthday gift (actual inscription is different).
This is a replica of the brick that will be placed in the Citifield Fanwalk. According to the official Mets web site: "The Citi Field Fanwalk is where Mets fans can become a permanent part of Citi Field through the purchase of individual engraved bricks surrounding the main entry of Citi Field. Fans will be able to recognize their family, friends and favorite Mets moments through lasting tributes engraved directly onto the bricks of the plaza outside of the Jackie Robinson Rotunda. A complimentary replica brick comes with each order and makes a great addition to your home or office. "
So B has his own brick that he can visit every time he goes to see the Mets play at home.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
My precious...
I have found my ring. Much like my dress it is nothing like what I expected to buy and definitely more than I thought I would spend. But everyone keeps telling us abut the rising cost of metal - one saleslady said that in the not so distant future they will give away the diamond with the purchase of a platinum setting.
It has channel set round diamonds. I was going to get princess cut diamonds to match my engagement ring but I didn't like the way any of the rings looked. Because of the cut of the princess cut diamonds, the rings are a bit deeper than I like. So I went for round because I loved the way the ring felt on.
Though B thinks I should get a plain band as well. He never should have put that idea in my head.
It has channel set round diamonds. I was going to get princess cut diamonds to match my engagement ring but I didn't like the way any of the rings looked. Because of the cut of the princess cut diamonds, the rings are a bit deeper than I like. So I went for round because I loved the way the ring felt on.
Though B thinks I should get a plain band as well. He never should have put that idea in my head.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Another April Fool's birthday
I send birthday wishes across the pond to Pete (and I got them in just before midnight over there).
Happy Birthday B!
It is B's birthday today and unfortunately, I am stuck at home with a 101.7 fever.
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