Thursday, October 2, 2008

Shea Goodbye

So not only is the Mets season over but so is Shea Stadium. This past Saturday, B and I went to a game (the second to last game at Shea) and the best part was - we got to go on the warning track. A special fundraiser was put together by We bought tickets and a t-shirt in exchange for going on the warning track during the national anthem.

Here is what we saw:

Santana warming up, he was lights out...

Our feet on the warning track...

The home run apple...

The stadium around us...


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you posted pics. I read the headline first and thought, wait, where am I going?!
Some people are so self-involved.

Anonymous said...

I drove by Shea the other day - all the seats are torn out. It looks creepy.

Liz said...

two of the seats are headed to our household...