Thursday, October 2, 2008

New soul mate

I have been left alone which means I can watch all my saved TV stores on the DVR. So I have been watching back to back episodes of Oxygen's Tori & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood and I think I found my new soul mate...Tori Spelling. Seriously, I have such a new, deep understanding of her and I think I can relate to her. I mean I know I didn't grow up in a mansion with a dad who had snow flown in so I could have a white christmas but that girl is crazy. And I like it. Though I disagree with her TV placement in her house.

I think I am done with all the episodes though. I hope there is a third season.

1 comment:

Teresa Shea said...

Are you being serious or funny? Tell me more about this. I don't know much about Tori Spelling aside from Donna 90210. I'm nit judging if you do relate to her, I relate to Kate Gosselin.